Get to Know Our Peer Review Specialist: Lisa Dalesandro
Name, title, city you are based in:
Lisa Dalesandro, RN, BSN, CCRN, CEN, LNCC
Northern New Jersey/NYC metropolitan area
What is your role at Med Law Advisory Partners?
Peer Review Specialist
What did you do before working for Med Law Advisory Partners?
I have worked in diverse areas of nursing over the last 27 years, including pediatric home care and med/surg nursing, but am currently a critical care nurse in the MICU at a teaching hospital in Newark, NJ, in addition to working as a consultant with MLAP.
Why do you do this type of work? Do you have a specific area of expertise that you are the most fond of?
I enjoy evidence-based research and writing, which are both very important in legal nurse consulting. I am also very fond of mentorship and teaching new nurses.
In your opinion, what is the most rewarding aspect of your job?
The most rewarding aspect of my job is collaborating with a top-notch group of nurses dedicated to producing a superior finished product, whether it is a medical records timeline, a case report, or just helping a non-medical person to understand a complicated concept. Working together supportively is what makes this job special.
Tell us about a time you had to overcome a challenge or obstacle within being a legal nurse consultant - how did you overcome this/what did you learn?
I have been collaborating with lawyers, both as a paralegal and legal nurse consultant, for as long as I have been a nurse. Having worked in a law firm during high school and college, nursing and law have been intricately woven into my professional life. My biggest challenge as a legal nurse consultant has been establishing myself as more than assistive personnel and a vital piece of a winning legal team to those who may not have been familiar with legal nurse consulting as a profession.
What is something in the healthcare industry that comes to mind that you would like to see improved or changed?
A deeper respect for nurses in the healthcare industry, translated into normalization of safe and appropriate staffing, competitive pay rates, and supportive professional standards which also encompass a general advancement of equitable workplace and improved healthcare standards for everyone, would be a welcome change.
What are you most likely up to when you are off-the-clock?
During downtime, you will most likely find me with my family, friends and three dogs, enjoying all of the great activities in the greater New York City area. In the summer, you will find me down the shore, appreciating all of New Jersey’s beautiful beaches.
What is some advice you would give to nurses looking to pursue a career in legal nurse consulting?
Spend time reading and writing. Your nursing skills are important, but the ability to communicate effectively is what will set you apart.
Interesting fact about yourself:
I can balance a spoon on my nose and ears for a really long time.