Get to Know Legal Nurse Consultant: Lisa Hughes
Name, title, city you are based in
Lisa Hughes RN, LNCC
Mangham, Louisiana
What is your role at Med Law Advisory Partners?
Legal nurse consultant
What did you do before working for Med Law Advisory Partners?
I have a 30+ year nursing career that includes medical-surgical and orthopedic nursing, long-term care director of nursing, home health care, risk management, and clinical reviewer for a supplemental medical review contractor.
Why do you do this type of work? Do you have a specific area of expertise that you are the most fond of?
I sincerely enjoy my work as an LNC. Long-term care cases are my favorite type of review because I have spent the majority of my nursing career in this area. I enjoy researching topics and regulations appropriate to each case.
In your opinion, what is the most rewarding aspect of your job?
To me, the most rewarding aspect of my job as an LNC is finding the crucial piece of the puzzle in the medical records for our clients that makes the difference in a positive outcome.
Tell us about a time you had to overcome a challenge or obstacle within being a legal nurse consultant – how did you overcome this/what did you learn?
The area of legal nurse consulting is always challenging, which makes it so interesting. Through my years working as an LNC I have learned to pay close attention to details. Those details have often made a huge difference in the outcome of many cases I have reviewed.
What is something in the healthcare industry that comes to mind that you would like to see improved or changed?
I would like to see more stringent monitoring of healthcare providers who abuse our current system and in turn the patients who have placed their confidence in those providers. The elderly population is where my heart is and I think that our healthcare system is often difficult for them to maneuver through.
What are you most likely up to when you are off-the-clock?
I’m very rarely off the clock, when I am, I like to spend time with my family and friends. I also love to travel and have a rather lengthy bucket list of places that I would like to visit.
What is some advice you would give to nurses looking to pursue a career in legal nurse consulting?
Find a mentor. I had the BEST mentor when I began my career in legal nurse consulting who taught me so much about this area of nursing. I will forever be grateful to her for all she taught me.
Interesting fact about yourself:
When we can, my husband and I spend time at the beach and love deep-sea fishing. I also enjoy antique shopping and searching for treasures.